Scientific Books from 15th to 19th century

In my collection you can find books about surveying, practical geometry, manuscripts and mathematics from 15th to 18th century.

The collection is sold out in the auction sale by Zisska & Schauer in Munich, in November 2013 

Index of the Catalogue (by authors)


A Académie des sciences, Ambrosius S., Amman und Sachs Jost/Hans, Ammann Th., Apianus Petrus
B Bardet de Villneuve, Bartoli Cosimo, Belidor Forrest de Bernard, Beutel Tobias, Biblia latina cum postillis, Bion N., Blebel TH, Böschenstein Johannes, Bossi Joh, BOUDAN Alexander, Bramero Benjamin, Burmeister Karl Heinz
C Cagnoli Andrea, Ceneri A.M., Clairaut Alexis C., CLAVIUS Christoph
D Daumas Maurice, Dechalles P., Descartes R., Dibuadius CH., Diderot Denis
E Eschmann J., Euclides
F Feliciano Francesco (da Lazesio)
G Giacometti Alberto, Goldmann, Graf J.H.
H Haehn J.F., Harris John, Henrion D., Henry des Vosges, Hilber Paul, Hire, Phillipe de la, Hirsch und Plantamour A. u. E., Hülfsgesellschaft in Zürich, HYGINUS (Caius-Julius)
I/J Imhof Eduard, Italienische Handschrift, Jordan und Steppes W.und K.
K Kitab al- Mujib
L Le Blond Guiallaume, Le Clerc Sebastian, Lecchi Antonio, Lefebvre Simon, Le Gendre Franciscus
M Maler J.Fr, Marolois Samuel, Mercklein Alb.Dan., Merian Mathaeum, Metius Adrian, Michelsen Johann Andreas Christian, Münster Sebastiani, Mydorge Claude
N Naudin F.
O Ozanam Jaques
P Pardies I.G., Pardies P., Penther J.F., Pirscher J.D.C., Pluche N., Pomodoro Giovanni, Proclus Diadochus, Puissant Louis
R Rambach J.T.F., Regiomontanus Johannes, Risen Adam, Ritter Franciscus, Rondelli Hiemyniano
S S.R., Salneuve J.F., San Giovanni A., Sarti Paolo, Schooten Fr., Schott Caspar, Schröter S., Schulze E., Schulze G., Schwenter Daniel, Simler Josiam, Souciet P.E., Steuin Simon, Strauch Aegidius
T Tacquet A., Tartaglia Nicolo, Trew Abdias
U unbekannt
V Vallejo D.José Mariano, Vega Freyherrn von Georg, Voch L.
W Weidler Jo.Fr, Welsch Michael, Wendt Johann Jacob Christoph, Wiedeburg J.B., Wilke Chr.H., Wolfio Christiano, Wullschleger B.
Z Ziegler J., Zubler Leonhard